Saturday, February 5, 2011

vegan strawberry shortcake cupcakes

so it may have been a little late, but i finally had my secret santa gift exchange with michael's ohio city friend group.  it was the chinese new year though, so it seemed appropriate.  i had michael's friend noah, who, thanks to maria's queen bee knowledge, i found out is vegan.  what a great opportunity to try out a new vegan cupcake recipe.  i actually make a lot of my cupcakes vegan (shh!) because i find i prefer the lightness that vegan cupcakes have.  there is just a heaviness that comes with eggs and milk in baking and because i don't have a sweet tooth (again shh!) i like to keep it lighter (also the reason i don't pile on the frosting).  so i just made the same vegan chocolate cupcakes i always make and then used inspiration from food network's cupcake wars.  they had a chef on a few weeks, maybe months, back that actually won the competition by making vegan cupcakes.  it was pretty awesome.  her winning cupcake was a chocolate strawberry shortcake cupcake and as soon as maria told me noah was vegan, i just knew i had to try to make these!  the vegan frosting, well ..... ehhhhhhhh.  it just tasted like generic cupcake frosting to me, but i guess that's what happens when you use vegetable shortening instead of butter.  next time i might try margarine or coconut oil to see how that tastes.  i got tons of positive feedback on the extras i gave out of this cupcake, so i know the frosting couldn't have been as bad as i think, but i just don't like sweet frostings.  i actually left one chocolate cupcake aside without any frosting just for me.  that was an excellent breakfast friday morning ;)

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